Enhance Your Stable With Optional Extras
One of the benefits of buying a stable through Colt is the ability to customise many elements of your finished stable or field shelter.
One of the benefits of buying a stable through Colt is the ability to customise many elements of your finished product. Not only do you choose your ideal dimensions and size, but there are a number of enhancing features you can include for small additional cost – features that can add real value and character to your finished design.

Lined Canopy
For an additional cost we can line your stable/field shelter canopy with shiplap. This provides additional strength and support to your stable roof as well as extra aesthetic qualities.
Double Doors
With all fixed stable buildings, you can upgrade a standard single stable door to double width for an additional fee. These double width doors can be a great way to provide extra space needed for larger animals or just make mucking out/hay store easier. Each door upgrade comes with fittings included.

Rear Guttering
If you are concerned about drainage, we can add rear guttering to any stable or field shelter. If you live in a particularly wet part of the country, this rear guttering can be a great way to ensure the surrounding area of the stable stays dry and keep your stable block clean.
OS Board To Eaves
For our stable customers, we can fit additional 15mm thick OS kick board up to the building eaves. This extra strength can be useful for owners of larger or particularly boisterous horses as it further protects the inside stable walls from damage.

Shelter Gates
Mobile field shelter customers have the option of adding a metal or timber gate to their shelters. Our gates both measure 2.4m across the shelter opening and are a great way to separate out your animals or keep them secure during the evening.
Talk Grilles
For stables customers, we can add talk grilles to the internal partitions between each unit. Talk grilles can be a great way to create a more social environment for your animals whilst still giving each their own space. All grilles are securely fitted and braced by Colt during stable construction.
Clear Roof Sheet
Let more natural light into your stables with a clear roof sheet fitted into the Onduline roofing. This is a really great way to brighten up the inside of the stable, making it a happier place for your horse to live and a more pleasant place for you to muck out in.
Additional Windows and Doors
Adding an extra stable window can be a great way to let more natural light into the partition and brighten up the living quarters for your horse. For more flexibility, you can also add an additional, single sized, stable door to the unit, giving you the choice of multiple entry and exit points.
For more information on our additional upgrades download a brochure today or contact us here.